Vector FreeDownload

Thursday, 24 June 2010

JV Boro – Hosting Joomla Template

JV Boro – Hosting Joomla Template

Template Name: Boro | Size: 8.66 MB


Saturday, 19 June 2010

Quay v1.0.8 update – GavickPro Template

GavickPro Premium Joomla! Template

Template Name: Quay v1.0.7 | Live Demo | More Info | For Joomla 1.5.x


JA Zeolite II - January 2010 Bonus Template (UPDATE)

Joomlart Joomla! Template

Template Name: Zeolite II v1.1.0 | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.x


Thursday, 17 June 2010

JV Dilo - Corporate Joomla Template

JV Dilo - Corporate Joomla Template

JoomlaBamboo Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: Zen Pixel8 | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.x

Pixel8 is a dark Joomla template thats perfect for a nightclub, cinema website or perhaps even a moody tech blog. It comes complete with four colour styles as well as a native template for the amazing K2 component from Joomlaworks. We have also included some funky new slideshow styling that is sure to get your content fading and sliding with even more style.
Pixel Eight is now Zen Grid Framework native Im happy to announce that the March Joomla Template release – Pixel Eight – is now Zen Grid Compatible. It was the last of the 2010 templates to make the leap and even though it was the last of the non framework themes to be released I wanted to wait a while before we ported it to the new template ramework. The port ended up being relatively painless and so its onwards and backwards through the rest of the catalogue now.
The process of upgrading non-zen or pre-framework templates is really pretty easy (in most cases) and we hope to have some tutorials coming soon to help you through that process if you need a design before it gets ported or if you feel like porting a live site to the new framework.
Zen Pixel8 Full Package (13.83 MB)


Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Grid2 - Magazine photography Joomla template

Grid2 - Magazine photography Joomla template  : Size 26MB
For more information be sure to check out the Grid2 feature overview page, the Grid2 documentation or the live demo.

Aurora Dawn – June 2010 Joomla Club Template

hape5 Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: Aurora Dawn | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.x
Aurora Dawn’s great design can be used for just about any type of website such as business, personal,blog or ecommerce. With Aurora Dawn’s great flexibility you can easily set your own custom highlight colors, which controls most link and title colors, and custom background images. These features let you make your site truly your own look and style. In addition to a great template this month we are also releasing our brand new S5 Horizontal Accordion module which will allow you to publish up to 10 modules in horizontal slides. Makesure to check out the demo for a full list of features

* 100% tableless CSS
* Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* Validates with CSS Level 3
* Joomla 1.5 compatible
* SQL dump available
* RTL language support
* Custom highlight color links and titles
* Custom background image
* SEO Optimized
* Fixed or Fluid page layout with custom column widths
* 26 module positions and 9 styles
* New! S5 Horizontal Accordion Module
* Module edits: S5 Live Search
* Sliced PSDs included
* Site Shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
* Fully collapsible module positions
* Lytebox enabled
* Tool Tips enabled
* 5 Menu systems:
o Choose style: Drop Down, Fading, Scroll Down, Suckerfish, None
o Choose script: jQuery, S5 Effects
* Compatible with the following browsers:
o IE7+
o Firefox 1.5+
o Opera 9+
o Safari
o Chrome


Tuesday, 15 June 2010

myStore - May 2010 Joomla Template

GavickPro Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: myStore | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.x

We love shopping!
It is high time to change your online store into modern look with creative ideas and a new and highly attractive project from GavickPro which combines two different stores; VirtueMart, the same as, K2 Store.
Combined design of best quality and unique style, structured and organized for professional and splendid presentation of your best products to your best customers.
If your customer likes what he sees, your business will move two times faster to successful sale.
After all, we do like shopping and all good salespeople like selling.
* Tableless design and 100% css based.
* 3 Color Theme Styles (Red – Green – Blue )
* Template development based on T3 Framework.
* Supports multiple layout options, configured within seconds from backend
* Amazing Mega Menu system with multiple menu types support .
* Native Iphone & Handheld optimization and style support.
* Google Chrome Frame Meta Support.
* Improved style for Joomla! Core system pages.
* Page layouts overwrite option in template parameters.
* Modules suffix’s built-in template for module styling.
* Build style support for Jcomments Component from JoomlaTune.
* Built style support for Virtuemart Component.
* Build style support for K2 Component from JoomlaWorks.
* Built style support for K2 Store addon from Weblogicx india.
* Built support for the new News Show Pro GK4 module with exclusive built-in template design.
* Built support for TabsManager GK3 component for tabs content display with exclusive module built-in template design.
* Built support for PhotoSlide GK3 component with Image Show module built-in template design and with exclusive VirtueMart support interface.
* Built support for new GK Register module with built-in template design.
* Built support for Cufon fonts javascript rendering.
* Improved template parameters administration panel with friendly interface and automatic check-in available updates.
* Disable option for main body appearance on front page.
* Option for main body and component position display.
* Full block’s size for user customization in template parameters.
* Option for family and size font in template parameters.
* Full control of Login, Register, Tools, Date and Style button display on frontpage.
* Option to enable/disable CSS3 styles
* Option to enable/disable VirtueMart styles on template pages.
* Option to enable/disable Google Chrome Frame support .
* Easy footer content configuration in template parameters.
* Built support for WYSIWYG Friendly Template Typography editor with GK Typography plugin.
* Compressed engine option for each GavickPro modules.
* Support for language file translation.
* All 40 modules are fully collapsible and more than 20 module positions ready for tabs and 10 module positions ready for mega menu content display.
* Impressive built-in content style.
* Lightweight, modern and very fast-loading design.
* Joomla 1.5 Native
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
* Fully compatible with: IE7+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
* Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files.
* Delivered with “QuickStart Package”.

myStore Full Package (24.71 MB)


YouBistro – Joomla Restaurant Template

YouJoomla Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: YouBistro | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.xThis time we would like to try a new concept. Restaurants! And we are introducing YouBistro Joomla Restaurant template that has everything you need to present your , bar , bistro , club , restaurant, diner you name it. Loaded with plenty of content , restaurant menu made out of K2 Joomla extension, booking form made from YJ Contact us , we also included YJ Newsflash 3.0 , YJ Newsflash 5.0 , 5 template styles and fully loaded demo. If you are a restaurant business owner , this turn key joomla website is all you need to start bringing your new customers in.

YouShows Joomla Template features
* 100% Tableless design
* XHTML Valid
* CSS Valid
* JS Valid
* 508 Valid
* SEO features build in
Template Options
* 13 collapsible module positions
* PSD files included
* Joomla 1.5 template
* CSS dropdown menu
* SMooth dropdown menu
* SMooth dropline menu
* Dropline menu
* Split menu
* Up to 5 CSS style combos
* Flexible frontpage layout
* Server side Compression
* Demo Starter ( club members only )
* Extra Typography styles
* IE6 png fix
* Adjustable width
* Font resizing
YouBistro Full Package

Bloc – June 2010 Joomla Template

Yootheme Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: Bloc | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.x

The main content wrappers are displayed as 3D blocks and new module variations offers some nice 3D effects. The Mega Drop Down Menu has a fancy hover effect and even the left menu got a new ribbon hover style.

We also added a special header position which fits perfectly the 3D block and can be used to present a large header image. The toolbar and logo will be shown nicely above the image. There is also an additional logo position in this template. Now you have the possibility to put a second smaller logo next to the Drop Down Menu.
Feature list
* A variety of template color variations
* Built with the Warp5 template framework
* Multi-column dropdown menu
* Lots of modules with color variations, endless combinations with icons and badges possible
* 2-1-3 column ordering for search engine friendliness
* Compact size, using gzip and image sprites
* Works with all YOOtools
Bloc Full Package (10.61 MB)

Clublife – May 2010 JoomlaXTC Template

JoomlaXTC Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: Woovie | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.x

JoomlaXTC Clublife – The ultimate nightlife and club guide! Designed for fast loading and pure Content Management, Clublife is feature packed with some of the hottest advancements in CSS styling including CSS3 corner radius control (not available in IE currently, c’mon IE9! Hurry up!). The multiple styles create much more than a nightclub template – Clublife can be used as a Blog, Directory, Shop or almost anything
Packaged with the new ThemeMagic Framework and our custom TI template system delivering complete control over the template styles, from Width Adjustments, Corner Radias, Backgrounds, Font Colors / Sizes / Typeset, Module Layout, Preset Styles to your own custom styles, template control has never been easier. Choose from 12 pre designed styles or create your own custom style with the ThemeMagic style panel
Offering so much more than a basic template, Clublife comes complete with additional themes for some of the top Joomla extensions – K2, JComments, CCNewsletter, Kunena Forum, and Eventlist. Our Jumpstart Joomla 1.5.15 comes preloaded with most of these extensions (commercial license extensions such as Simple Image Gallery Pro must be purchased from the 3rd party developers) already installed and configured!
In Addition to custom component themes, Clublife come with 2 Club Banner PSDs and a Full Nightclub 1/4 Page Flyer layout with a coupon from Acid Flyers for 25% off all commercial Printing Orders!
template features:
* CSS3 Design
* themeMagic V1.1 Template Framework
* 12 Preset Styles
* 37 Module Positions
* 40+ Stock + 4 User Module Suffix Styles
* 3 JQuery based Menu Styles – Suckerfish – Dropline – DualFish
* Multi Column Design
* TI Template admin panel for more control over colors & styles
* Custom Joomla Content CSS Style YooTheme Overides
* Commented source files for user friendly customization
* Cross Browser Support for IE7+, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome.
bonus themes:
* Eventlist – Eventlist Clublife Theme
* Kunena Forum – Kunena Clublife Theme
* K2 – K2 Clublife Theme
* JComments – Clublife Theme
jxtc featured extensions:
K2 Content Wall
NewsPro Version 3.10.1
JComments Wall 1.3
Eventlist Wall
3rd party featured extensions:
Kunena Forum
MP3 Browser
package includes:
JoomlaXTC Clublife J1.5 TI Template
Eventlist Clublife Template
K2 Clublife Template
Kunena Clublife Template
JoomlaXTC Ethos J1.5 Jumpstart Install +
PSD Graphic Source Files + PSD Flyer Pack


If a new television programs, movies, or music site run YouShows Joomla is the perfect choice for you. Packed with many new examples of forms, new slider, YJ Movie Studio 2.0, and up to 36 combines style, this model is a turnkey "for the online entertainment industry. Guests are welcome nice Web 2.0-style furnishings.

Joomla Template YouShows Features


* 100% Table Less Design
* Valid XHTML
Valid CSS *
* JS Error
* Valid 508
* SEO features build

Model Options

* 13 module positions interchangeable
* Includes PSD files
Joomla first 5 officials
* CSS Drop-Down
* Smooth menu
* Smooth Line drop-down menu
* Drop-Line Menu
* Split Menu
* Up to 36 combinations of CSS
* Construction Home
* Server-side compression
* Display Power (Club members only)
* Other styles typography
IE6 PNG Fix *
* Controls
* Source reduction.


JoomVision Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: Gallery | Live Demo | For Joomla 1.5.x
