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Friday, 30 July 2010

JV Mstar - Movie joomla template

The second joomla templates released in July by – JV Mstar is primarily designed as a community and review template for a particular product such as games, movies, gadgets etc. If you pay much attention to websites’ design and effectiveness, you must be completely satisfied because with professional design and exclusive modules including JV Headline and JV Content Fusion, all contents shall appear clearly and impressively on sites with Mstar applied.
JV Mstar supplies with three eye-catching colors for your choice including orange, blue and dark grey which can be applied to create different styles.
Besides, JV Mstar owns advanced SEO which is decisive to access number to websites. This feature allows visitors to easily find out your site only with some key words on Search engines.
Last but not least, 
JV Mstar is integrated JV Headline and JV Content Fusion - two of the most successful modules of JV Headline is a very effective solution to introduce new blockbusters, the best selling DVD or the most watched movies impressively. Beautiful pictures and information shall be slowly slid on a very large space on the top of pages. Right under impressive slideshow, JV Content Fusion is available to display several pictures in range and information shall be supplied when picture is hovered on.

IT TheLodge - June 2010 Joomla Template

TheLodge Full Package (14.70 MB)


Every template should be built first with a clear purpose in mind. This is our new methodology that we at IceTheme are approaching for our High Quality Joomla Templates. But how may this idea affect the extraordinary IT TheLodge?!
Within a fraction of a second, you will immediately notice that IT TheLodge represent a hotel/property based Joomla Template. Simple... Right?! But anyway why this is excellent for me?! - You may ask.
As you immediately noticed that this Joomla Template is for a hotel/property website, your users, on the other hand, will do so, but now on your hotel/property website. They will grab instantly the idea behind your website.
On the other hand IT TheLodge is a powerful tool at your hand. What distinguish it from the crowd?
Unique Features
* Display any content/image/K2/VM/Banner with the new IceTabs module!
* Extemely fast with the new IceSpeed plugin!
* Display your hotel/property beautiful pictures with the modified IceSlideShow module
* Show your city's weather forecast with the Jweather module
* Adapt your band colors from the 6 available template styles
* Get done everything fast with the Clone Installer package
TheLodge Full Package (14.70 MB)


Tuesday, 13 July 2010

JV Cera - delicious restaurant joomla template



Sunday, 11 July 2010

DelicateNews - July 2010 ElegantThemes Theme MB)


DelicateNews is a content-heavy magazine theme wrapped in an elegant and "delicate" shell. Featuring a 3-column grid and many homepage content outlets, this theme gives you the opportunity to feature tons of content without making your website feel cramped or messy.

JA Anion - Movie Site Theme

All you movie enthusiasts can now have your own movie review site. June 2010 Template JA Anion gives you the preset style for a movie site running on Joomla! & K2. JA Anion is complemented with 6 modules viz., JA Slideshow 2, JA Tabs, JA ContentSlider, JA Twitter, JA Sidenews & JA Bulletin modules, which adds to the style as well as extend the layout...
K2 component support, Multi layouts and 12 color options (06 light & 06 dark) make JA Anion a Box Office Hit...
It's worth to note that JA Anion is running our latest T3 Framework Version 2, Its more powerful than ever, user level template overrides, easy future framework upgrades, Inbuilt CSS & JavaScript Compression new, inbuilt Google Fonts new and much more...
An Overview of JA Anion features:
* Modern and beautiful web typeface
* Running on T3 Framework Version 2 new
* 3 columns layout based 
template, Multi-layout presets
* 12 color options: 06 light color themes and 06 dark color themes
* Tableless design and 100% CSS-based
* inbuilt Google 
Fonts configuration new
* Inbuilt CSS and Javascript Compression new
Joomla 1.5.x compatible
* 4 Menu options: 
JA Split menu, JA Css menu, JA Dropline menu, JA Mega menu
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional Check 
it ?
* CSS Validates Check 
it ?
* Valid 508 Accessibility
* Delivered with source .PSD and FONT files, Demo site sample database and detailed user guide which can be found in 
JA Anion downdoad and JA Anion forum.
* Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization

Monday, 5 July 2010

Royal Plaza - July 2010 Joomla Template


Its July and YOOtheme delivers its brand new template "Royal Plaza". It comes with 3 main color variations to give your site a new and individual look. They differ completely in module styles, typography and the whole look of the site. Its like three different templates combined in one! We have a modern and neutral business look, a vintage style with some more retro elements and finally a shiny premium look. These different styles make the template really versatile to fit all kinds of websites. Additionally you can set your template to a plain style of each variation, to turn off the wrapper edges of the site.
We built in a second menu position "menuright". Now you are free to place the menu at the left side, the right side or even menus at both sides of the menubar. These positions give you the freedom to publish the logo anywhere in the header, even in the middle between both menus. Further we put a second row of bottom modules into the footer of the site.
Feature list
* A variety of template color variations
* Built with the Warp5 template framework
* Multi-column dropdown menu
* Lots of modules with color variations, endless combinations with icons and badges possible
* 2-1-3 column ordering for search engine friendliness
* Compact size, using gzip and image sprites
* Works with all YOOtools

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Panacea - July 2010 Joomla Template


Panacea, the July 2010 Template Club release, encapsulates stylistic freedom with the inclusion of the Color Chooser, allowing for easy style customization with just a few clicks. Offering an unconventional approach to such designs, combining ease of alteration with a mainstream appearance.
The template also supports a Background Rotator for the sub-header area, as well as popular features such as Ajax Content Loading, an iPhone Specific Theme as well as Smart Loading for all content images.
Features and Screenshots
* Gantry Framework
* Color Chooser with 12 Preset Styles
* RTL Support
* Native iPhone Versions
* Ajax Article Loading & Smart Loading
* Inbuilt Background Rotator
* 3rd Party Extensions / RT Extensions Styling
* Custom Typography & JS Form Styling
* Fusion Menu & Splitmenu
* 13 Module Variations & 68 Module Positions
* FF3.6, Opera, Safari 4, IE7,8 Compatible
* Limited IE6 Support
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS 3 Valid

PJ Velocity - July 2010

DOWNLOAD Velocity Full Package (21.02 MB)

You want your website to leave an impression on your visitors?Make your mark with PJ Velocity.
FAST, MODERN, COOL, and VERSATILE - All valid descriptions of this beautiful template. We've been hoping to do a 'sports car' theme for some time, and the inclusion of our newly developed module, PJ NewsShow, makes this one a must-have.
Velocity comes in 8 slick variants, so it is essentially 8 brilliant templates in 1. Customizing Velocity is simple, and you can use the source graphic files to give it just the look you want.
It is packed with the powerful features you've come to expect from our brilliant themes...
* Completely Valid CSS & table-free layout!
* Highly Configurable via the Template Manager
* Fluid or Fixed Width ( pixels or % )
* PJ Menu System (module) Learn More
o Subtext and Image Support!
o Superfish Nav-Bar
o Animated Suckerfish
o Vertical Flyout
* PJ Newslist V2 (module) Learn More
* Slideshow Script (the fabulous "Anything Slider")
* Social Media Icon Toolbar
Velocity Full Package (21.02 MB)

JA Ores - K2-ready Joomla template

Introducing March template JA Ores, JoomlArt hands over to you a versatile template, accompanied by striking and elegant 08 light themes and 08 dark themes. JA Ores supports CCK-like features via native K2 integration, a content component for Joomla! developed by JoomlaWorks.
Added as a new cut, you will find JA Comment-ready in JA Ores demo, a snapshot convincing you on full-functioned and ease-to-use comment stuffs needed for a Joomla site. Lots of advance you might notice in such component i.e. ajax adding comments, powerful anti-spam layer, social tools, user avatars, comment rating...
Deployed on our popular T3 framework, we have quite no hassle to style JA Bulletin, JA Sidenews ,JA Slideshows, JA Content Slider, JA Twitter, JA Newsticker (modules) and JA Popup, JA Thumbnail, JARpxnow, JA Comment (plugin). You wanna go indepth into T3? This how-to-customize-T3 will help you.
View JA Ores's 16 incredible color variants. Ready for JA Ores?
An Overview of JA Ores features:
* Modern and beautiful web typeface
* 3 columns layout based template
* 16 color options: 08 light color themes and 08 dark color themes (view demo for details)
* Tableless design and 100% CSS-based
* Joomla 1.5.x compatible
* 4 Menu options: JA Split menu, JA Css menu, JA Dropline menu, JA Mega menu
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional Check it ?
* CSS Validates Check it ?
* Valid 508 Accessibility
* Delivered with source .PSD and FONT files, Demo site sample database and detailed user guide which can be found in JA Ores downdoad and JA Ores forum.
* Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization


Impression Joomla Template JV Eoty


Welcome to the new colors and young Eoty JV - the fifth summer began JoomlaVision.Com Joomla template. From the successful, modern and integrated modules, tested the contents of the Fusion JV JV JV, and a special new design% Headline Eoty u2013JV JV JV Eoty is not just for business, wallets, Web pages, but also the employees to demonstrate. 

Activity room, the joint venture goes. This module is useful, images can be displayed simultaneously and providing displays. Among the modules available on the market, the JV is the best way to express the content or format of your choice. And the last joint venture may be his ability for users on a regular basis for new insights. 

Also develops the basis of good experience Headline JV JV Eoty a special gift for webmasters who are interested in this form. You can view photos and information that change slowly and carefully, so that users can clearly see the contents of the slide show a beautiful and impressive.